Introduction: With in increase in interest to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into weight management programs, we aimed to examine user perceptions of AI-based mobile apps for weight management in adults with overweight and obesity. Methods: …
Next-basket recommendation (NBR) is a recommendation task that predicts a basket or a set of items a user is likely to adopt next based on his/her history of basket adoption sequences. It enables a wide range of novel applications and services from …
Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) provides boundless potential for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare service delivery. However, the perceptions and needs of such systems remain elusive, hindering efforts in promoting AI …
Food retrieval is an important task to perform analysis of food related information, where we are interested in retrieving relevant information about the queried food item such as ingredients, cooking instructions, etc. In this paper, we investigate …
What is the effect of (1) popular individuals, and (2) community structures on the retransmission of socially contagious behavior? We examine a community of Twitter users over a five month period, operationalizing social contagion as 'retweeting', …
Real-time microblogging systems such as Twitter offer users an easy and lightweight means to exchange information. Instead of writing formal and lengthy messages, microbloggers prefer to frequently broadcast several short messages to be read by other …
In this article, we present a graph-based knowledge representation for biomedical digital library literature clustering An efficient clustering method is developed to identify the ontology-enriched k-highest density term subgraphs that capture the …