Palakorn Achananuparp
Palakorn Achananuparp
Palakorn Achananuparp
Speaker Verification in Agent-Generated Conversations
Public acceptance of using artificial intelligence-assisted weight management apps in high-income southeast Asian adults with overweight and obesity: a cross-sectional study
Non-binary evaluation of next-basket food recommendation
Perceptions and needs of artificial intelligence in healthcare to increase adoption: A scoping review
Cross-Modal Food Retrieval: Learning a Joint Embedding of Food Images and Recipes with Semantic Consistency and Attention Mechanism
Transforming Facial Weight of Real Images by Editing Latent Space of StyleGAN
Foodbot: A Goal-Oriented Just-in-Time Healthy Eating Interventions Chatbot
RecipeGPT: Generative Pre-training Based Cooking Recipe Generation and Evaluation System
Characterizing and Predicting Repeat Food Consumption Behavior for Just-in-Time Interventions
Estimating Glycemic Impact of Cooking Recipes via Online Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning
FoodAI: Food Image Recognition via Deep Learning for Smart Food Logging
Does Journaling Encourage Healthier Choices? Analyzing Healthy Eating Behaviors of Food Journalers
Eat & Tell: A Randomized Trial of Random-Loss Incentive to Increase Dietary Self-Tracking Compliance
Using Online Controlled Experiments to Examine Authority Effects on User Behavior in Email Campaigns
Extracting Food Substitutes From Food Diary via Distributional Similarity
Insights from Machine-Learned Diet Success Prediction
On Analyzing Geotagged Tweets for Location-Based Patterns
eScience and Living Analytics
Do you know the speaker?: an online experiment with authority messages on event websites
LASER: A Living Analytics Experimentation System for Large-Scale Online Controlled Experiments
On Finding the Point Where There Is No Return: Turning Point Mining on Game Data
Palanteer: A search engine for community generated microblogging data
Automatic Classification of Software Related Microblogs
In-game Action List Segmentation and Labeling in Real-Time Strategy Games
Observatory of Trends in Software Related Microblogs
Follow Link Seeking Strategy: A Pattern Based Approach
What does software engineering community microblog about?
Tweets and Votes: A Study of The 2011 Singapore General Election
Influentials, novelty, and social contagion. The viral power of average friends, close communities, and old news
Who is Retweeting the Tweeters? Modeling Originating and Promoting Behaviors in the Twitter Network
Modeling socialness in dynamic social networks
Topical keyphrase extraction from Twitter
On Modeling Virality of Twitter Content
Improving diversity of focused summaries through the negative endorsements of redundant facts
Answer diversification for complex question answering on the web
Probabilistic models for topic learning from images and captions in online biomedical literatures
Using Negative Voting to Diversify Answers in Non-factoid Question Answering
AskDragon: A redundancy-based factoid question answering system with lightweight local context analysis
Addressing the variability of natural language Expression in sentence similarity with semantic structure of the sentences
Utilizing Semantic, Syntactic, and Question category Information for Automated Digital Reference Services
The Evaluation of Sentence Similarity Measures
Semantic Representation in Text Classification using Topic Signature Mapping
A Graph-Based Biomedical Literature Clustering Approach Utilizing Term's Global and Local Importance Information
Supporting student collaboration for image indexing
Utilization of Global Ranking Information in Graph-based Biomedical Literature Clustering
A framework for text processing and supporting access to collections of digitized historical newspapers
Semantically Enhanced User Modeling
Algorithms for different approximations in incomplete information systems with maximal compatible classes as primitive granules
A tool for teaching principles of image metadata generation
Voting and political information gathering on paper and online